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面對龐大的國内網購市場,是每一個商家都想將旗下品牌及服務進駐分一杯羹的。商家在建立一個跨境電商網站的過程上,經常會遇到各式各樣的難題。如何解決跨境物流、支付、關税及退貨等問題;如何管理及營運網站;如何透過不同的宣傳渠道將品牌介绍給更多國内消費者認識。                        今次的講座就會為大家提供解讀方案。                        Part 1 :            inMall 里好舖           Alex 零成本就可擁有一個跨境電商品牌網站            一站式處理跨境支付、跨境物流及關稅事宜            電商進入中國市場要注意的事項                        Part 2 :           點止學嘢           Andy Sir            學習網店的後台運作模式            建立及管理網店日常營運            如何管理貨品及處理客戶訂單                        Part 3 :          Wewa i...
Do you use email in your business? The CAN-SPAM Act, a law that sets the rules for commercial email, establishes requirements for commercial messages, gives recipients the right to have you stop emailing them, and spells out tough penalties for violations. Despite its name, the CAN-SPAM Act doesn’t apply just to bulk email. It covers all commercial messages, which the law defines as “any electronic mail message the primary purpose of which is the commercial advertisement or promotion of a comme...
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